Invisalign clear aligners are a tooth straightening solution for teens and adults searching for the ultimate Hollywood smile. Invisalign is the most advanced clear and invisible brace that gradually moves your teeth to the desired position to create the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Not only are they the only removeable brace on the market and the market leader in clear aligners, they’re also loved by celebrities all over the globe! In fact, there are 13 million Invisalign smiles worldwide! Invisalign clear aligners are a hugely popular choice for teeth straightening, but before embarking on your own journey to a new smile there are a few things we think you should know about Invisalign treatment for teens…
Teenage Orthodontic Treatment
The teenage years can be challenging enough without self-confidence taking a hit due to a crooked or misaligned smile. Traditionally, metal ‘train-track’ braces were a rite of passage for teenagers, but times have changed and thanks to progress in the field of orthodontics, there are now more discreet teeth straightening solutions available that help young adults to feel more confident about their smile, improving self-esteem overall.
Invisalign – How it Works
Once your orthodontist has confirmed you are eligible for Invisalign teen treatment, it is a very straightforward process where we create 3D treatment plans using x-rays and scans of your teeth – your treatment plan will be as unique as you are!
With a series of transparent, removeable aligners (similar to retainers) instead of traditional braces with brackets and wires, Invisalign teen is a great orthodontic option for correcting slight overcrowding to more complex straightening issues including bite alignment and gaps between the teeth – they’re incredibly strong to withstand any bending or cracking, but trimmed to fit your exact gum line for a discreet appearance.
You will need to change your Invisalign clear aligner every 1 to 2 weeks, but you can do this at home so there is no need to worry about regularly taking time out to visit our dental practice.
On average, teen patients wear their aligners for 6 to 12 months, but as you now know your treatment plan and oral requirements are totally bespoke so your Orthodontist will confirm the expected duration of your treatment at your consultation. For more information on how Invisalign clear aligners work, just click here.
Invisalign Teen – 10 things we think you should know
1. No baby teeth!
As a guide, we recommend Invisalign teen treatment for children of 12 years of age and above providing their permanent adult teeth, with the exception of the 12-year molars, have come through.
2. Your consultation is free
Prospective patients of Orthodontics For You are invited to a complimentary, no obligation consultation where our Orthodontists can assess your teeth and requirements. This is also a great opportunity for teen patients (and their parents) to meet us, as a team, and ask us any questions about the orthodontic options available, the associated costs and differences/benefits of each brace type.
3. Your treatment plan is bespoke
No two smiles are the same which is why we create treatment plans as unique as you are. Your Invisalign teen brace system will be totally bespoke to your smile with a Patient Co-Ordinator to help you every step of the way.
4. Discipline is key
Invisalign is the only removeable brace system and therefore requires patients to be very disciplined. Invisalign teen aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours a day and only be removed to eat, drink and brush your teeth. If patients think they might be tempted to remove their aligner for other reasons then Invisalign may not be the treatment for you.
5. Food and drink
You will need to remove your Invisalign teen aligner to eat – it’s easy to do as they pop right out when needed.
When it comes to drinking, you can keep your aligner in if you’re drinking water, but for anything else such as tea, coffee, fruity or fizzy drinks then you will need to remove the brace system to prevent any damage or staining to the aligners.
6. Expect a lisp (temporarily!)
Some patients report having a slight lisp during the first week or two of their Invisalign teen treatment (common with all brace types), but it is only temporary and other people tend not to even notice.
7. The aligners will need cleaning
But don’t use toothpaste! Though it may be counterintuitive, brushing your aligners may result in them becoming murky and yellow. Instead, use a mild aligner cleanser (your Orthodontist will have this for you).
8. Prevent against stains
Invisalign teen aligners are virtually undetectable, but the small ridges are prone to staining from drinks such as tea and coffee so you will need to clean your teeth and the aligner regularly…
9. Your toothbrush is your best friend
It is important to brush your teeth in the morning and at night as you do anyway, but throughout your Invisalign teen journey you will also need to brush your teeth after every meal to keep plaque build-up at bay and minimise the risk of staining on your aligner. We recommend investing in a travel tooth brushing kit!
10.Post-treatment retainers
Once you have completed your series of Invisalign teen clear aligners, most patients will need to wear a retainer (which will look just like one your Invisalign aligners). A retainer keeps your teeth from moving after they’ve been straightened with Invisalign as they will try to shift back to their original position – known as a relapse. You may need to wear retainers just as you did your aligners (22 hours a day) for a set period of time or just at night – your Orthodontist will confirm.
The teen years are difficult enough without having to face them with a less than perfect smile. Braces for teens ensures not only a lifetime of happier, more self-confident smiles, but also teeth and jaws that are properly aligned, promoting better oral health whilst improve speech, chewing and digestion.
Teens are the ideal age for addressing orthodontic issues as it is easier to re-position teeth and jaws while they’re still growing – don’t make the mistake of waiting for orthodontic problems to resolve on their own as once facial growth is complete, treatment can be more difficult. Plus, your teen may feel more comfortable addressing problems at a time when their friends are undergoing similar treatment.
Just think how important a healthier, more confident smile can be throughout your child’s life—in daily selfies, prom and graduation photos, during their first job interview and on their wedding day!
We understand our patients don’t really want a brace, but they do want straight teeth. To begin your Teen’s Invisalign teeth straightening journey, get in touch with us today and you’ll have something to smile about before you know it!